Tennessee Tech

Tennessee Tech


Tennessee Tech

Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Request

Complete this Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Request form prior to removing waste from your lab. Make sure all fields are complete.

When adding multiple containers to a drop-off request, be sure to either:

  1. Select the "Duplicate Container" option under the "Actions" drop down menu (located above the Container Type field) to add an additional container with the same contents and size as the previous one. Or;
  2. Select the "Add Another Container" button at the bottom left of the form to add a container that is different than the previous one.

Once completed, please take the waste to the appropriate Central Accumulation Area. If you need to access to the Central Accumulation Area, please e-mail your Department Lab Coordinator and EHS (ehs@tntech.edu).


* Required
* Required
* Required
* Required


    * Required
      * Required

      Container 1

      * Required
      Container Contents
        * Required
        * Required
        * Required
        * Required
        * Required